Andrew McGoveran

Visual flexbox demo

Apr 3, 2021


I made a flexbox demo to provide a visual for what the main flexbox properties do. Check it out at or see the embedded version below 👇

The backstory

Four years ago while I was learning the basics of web development, I was learning how to use flexbox for layouts. I wanted a way to see the change happen when I changed the values of the main flex box properties. I was able to hack together a codepen using some very scrappy jquery change the values of flex-direction, justify-content , and align-items on my flex container.

At the time it was the only useful thing I had ever made on the web, so this past summer I decided to do a remake and deploy it for real. Here is what I ended up with (isolated version here):

I really enjoyed making this because it took me out of my normal workflow. No React, TypeScript, or bundler needed. Just a simple index.html, index.js, and styles.css setup. I think this was also the first time I really used CSS variables, and discovered that you cannot use CSS variables in media query selectors 👎 (this has kept me using sass in side projects since).

Hopefully this is a helpful resource next time you are trying to remember the difference between flex-direction and justify-content!